Customer Stories

10x Faster Drill Report Analysis With a Single AI Agent

Oil and gas
Foundation model
End products
End products
Drill Report Analysis
Near 100% accuracy

In drill report analysis

10x faster

Drilling report production

1 AI Agent

Specializing in drill report analysis



  • Manually reviewing drilling reports is time-consuming, impacts efficiency, and error-prone;
  • Reports can be complex, with tables split across pages;
  • Receiving high volumes of reports (one report per well every day for multiple wells).


  • Identifying common patterns like dates, drill depths, and output amount in drill reports;
  • Creation of structured templates to guide the AI Agent to recognize and categorize data accurately;
  • Use of an OCR model to handle non-machine-readable text and organize complex table structures;
  • n-context learning in LLM calls to process the content based on the templates;
  • Conversion of extracted data into a structured JSON format.


  • One AI Agent specializing in drill report analysis for 10+ document types;
  • 10x time reduction;
  • Near 100% accuracy, drastically reducing the chance of errors.


This company is an information services business in the oil and gas sector. 

It faced huge issues with the time-consuming manual review of drilling reports, each containing large amounts of complex data, on a daily basis. This led to reduced operational efficiency and prevented analysts from working on more strategic tasks, like trend analysis.

They partnered with us to automate their drill report analysis. We developed an AI Agent that automatically extracts and organizes data from drilling reports. 

The agent reduces the time spent analyzing each report by 10x, from hours to minutes, and lowers the chance of costly errors. The improved efficiency and accuracy let the client focus on strategic growth and scaling their operations.

Overcoming Drill Report Challenges

Drill reports provide information about potential hazards encountered during drilling and help estimate the quantity of oil and gas in the area.

Our client received them on a daily basis for each well they worked on. While these reports are crucial and extremely helpful, processing them is difficult. 

The sheer volume and complexity of the reports exceeded the capabilities of traditional solutions. For example, the reports had very complex layouts – such as tables spanning multiple pages. Moreover, the client had to process over 10 different types of drill reports.

This led to two main issues:

  • Inefficiencies in drill report analysis
  • Existing automation solutions weren’t sufficient

Inefficiencies in drill report analysis:

The client struggled to keep up with the massive volumes of data in daily drilling reports. Each report had to be manually reviewed, which was time-consuming and prone to human errors. This decreased employee  productivity and increased the chance of errors.

Existing automation solutions weren’t sufficient:

Existing optical character recognition (OCR) technologies were inadequate for the client’s specific needs. Traditional systems could extract text but failed to organize the data structurally, especially in documents containing tables. This made it hard for the client to automate the workflow without advanced AI capabilities that could handle complex document formats and extract data with high precision.

The client needed a solution that could recognize data in tables and extract the required information from drilling reports. They partnered with us to develop a specialized AI solution that could accurately analyze their drilling report analysis and extract data.

Integrating the AI Agent for Advanced Data Processing

To overcome the drill report issues, we created a foundation model that can handle non-machine-readable documents and automate data organization, which is important for accurately processing complex and detailed reports.

The foundation model used for natural language processing (NLP) allowed the AI Agent to recognize text and understand its context. This boosts data extraction and processing capabilities beyond traditional methods that wouldn’t solve the client’s drill report processing issues.

Here is a brief overview of our process:

  • Pattern recognition: Initially, we analyzed the drilling reports to identify common patterns and repetitive data such as names, dates, and other relevant information. This helped us to understand the structure and content of the documents.
  • Template creation: Based on the identified patterns, we created a structured template that outlines the specific data points the AI needs to extract. This template acts as a blueprint for the AI Agent to recognize and categorize data accurately.
  • Integration: We then deployed the foundation model to process the reports, utilizing its capabilities to handle non-machine-readable text and effectively organize data, especially from complex table structures.
  • AI contextual learning: We leveraged in-context learning to train the model using the template as a guide. This approach teaches the AI the format and details it needs to extract so the outputs are consistent.
  • Output structuring: The extracted data was converted into a structured JSON format, which made it easy to access and adjust. We chose this format because of its adaptability and ease of integration into further analytical or operational processes, boosting data usability across the client’s organizational systems.

The AI Agent let the client process and extract all relevant information in the drilling reports since they struggled to handle large documents with data spanning multiple pages. 

Boosting Operational Efficiency and Accuracy Using One AI Agent

We significantly enhanced the client’s drill report analysis by tailoring our AI Agent to specific challenges. The AI Agent now automates the extraction and organization of data from 10+ types of drilling reports, reducing the analysis time from hours to minutes.

This 10x reduction in processing time combined with a massive reduction in errors has helped the client boost their productivity and reduce the chance of costly errors.

The client has transitioned from a labor-intensive manual review process to a simplified, automated system. They submit the drill report to the AI Agent, which extracts the information and organizes it into a JSON format, letting them easily manage their drill reports. It also lets the client’s analysts focus on more strategic tasks like risk management and trend analysis instead of repetitive data extraction. 

Additionally, the AI Agent has helped improve the client’s decision-making capabilities. The client makes quicker and more informed decisions by reducing the time required to process drilling reports. This allows them to make better operational decisions and allocate resources more effectively. The increased accuracy and efficiency in data handling mitigated operational risks during manual drill report analysis.

The success of this project shows the potential for impact in other aspects of the oil and gas sector. Our client is currently considering moving to full-scale production based on the successful reduction in processing time and increased accuracy.

Oil and gas
Foundation Model
Product Types
Drill Report Analysis
Use Case
Document analysis

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